Most people know the Fire and Police Departments, but did you know that the City of Cocoa also has departments for Community Services, Economic Development, Finance, Leisure Services, Information Technology, Public Works, Utilities and the City Manager's Office?
The theme is "Be Safe, Know the Danger Zone." The danger zone is the area immediately around the school bus, and it's important for students to 1) arrive at their bus stop early so they are not rushed; 2) stay 3 giant steps back from the curb until the bus stops and opens the doors; and 3) pay attention to the driver when they are boarding and exiting the bus.
The Thanksgiving Luncheon is a no cost drive-thru or pick-up meal service provided to the public. Drive-thru service is from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM, whereas the dine-in service opens at 11:30 AM with meals served between 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM.
MAB is used for the treatment of mild to moderate COVID-19. MAB should be given as soon as possible after a positive COVID-19 test and within 10 days of symptom onset.
Whether you're an alumnus or supporter of Take Stock, your giving makes a difference! Remember Take Stock on October 27th and give in honor of National Mentoring Day!
Help us make a difference in our community by stopping by Cocoa Walmart on Monday 11/22 from 10 am to 3 pm and donating non-perishable items to fill our Police Cruiser and Fire Truck.
There has been a change this year to allow families to use SNAP verification letters, Medicaid verification letters, or TANF verification letters to verify income eligibility.
A message from Mrs. Smith - Hello! I am so excited to be a part of Pinewood Elementary! Over the past 10 years, I have worked at Atlantis and Coquina as a classroom teacher, in Title I, and as a Teacher on Assignment. I was raised in Mims and am happy to be back!
Cameron joined the Parrish family in April of 2019. She spends her days working in the office alongside Dr. Lubitz, Dr. Allotta and Dr. Schafer. Cameron also works with a variety of the Titusville High School athletic teams to provide practice and game day care.