We are proud to be able to expand to meet this workforce demand by training students and helping connect them with employers,” said Dr. Heather Bigard, president of LSSC.
This year, in partnership with Fellowship Love Outreach, the organizations were able to present uniforms and goody bags to the 4th and 5th grade students at Beverly Shores Elementary in Leesburg, Florida. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. is an organization of college educated women committed to the constructive development of its members and to public service.
We are grateful for our hardworking students, our caring employees who work to make sure students have a quality experience and education, and our community who supports us along the way.
In today's episode of "Super Sunday," Superintendent Diane Kornegay invites you to visit the Festival of Trees at the Lake Square Mall to see and bid on trees decorated with ornaments created by our talented students.
Diana Davila, Daniel Fellows, Eden Feza, Srviul Patel, Darius Ruiz and May Shine represented Belarus and were accompanied by club advisor Dr. John Anene.
Children can enjoy games, holiday activities, arts & crafts, & field trips. Dec 19-22 & Dec 27-30. Cost $175 per child for the entire camp.
To make up for those 3 hours, traditional public schools in Lake County will have full instructional school days on Dec. 14, Dec. 15 and Dec. 16. In the past, we have had early release days, with 1- hour early dismissal, the last three days before winter break.
Below is the link to a Google Form about their participation in clubs, sports, academies, awards they’ve received, etc. Just complete the form to be included in the 2023 Golden Aerie Yearbook.
Find out about Bachelor of Applied Science in Business and Organizational Management degree options at an information session on Monday, Nov. 14, 12:30-1:30 p.m. at the Ewers Century Center on our Ocala Campus.
From dedicated scholarships, grants from the Westgate Foundation, dedicated staff members for enrollment and registration support, study lounges for veterans, career support services, and more.
Superintendent Diane Kornegay explains the renewal of the school safety referendum, just in time for Election Day, when voters will decide whether to contin